Property Refurbishment

Property Refurbishment

Property/home refurbishment, it’s a type of loan whereby financing is advanced to borrowers to enable them to complete or improve a residential building on a property. The principal amount of such loan is paid directly to the suppliers of the materials to be used to improve or complete the house. This loan facility will be given to an individual or joint partners or to family members who have decided to improve or complete the house in Dar es Salaam and Pwani area.

Property Refurbishment

Loan Features:

  1. Minimum loan amount 2,000,000.
  2. The maximum loan amounts up to 50,000,000.
  3. Maximum repayment period up to 12 Months.
  4. An interest rate of 3% Monthly
  5. Borrowers must possess a title for the land on which the property is to be developed.